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Driver Comparsion

I had some spare time so I decided to whip up a brief DrivHIGH/L3D Driver comparsion. Nothing major just some Quake III Arena and some 3DMark 2000 lovin'. I did not have time to bench the Diamond/S3 drivers, but will be making his own little comparsion for S2V and Louie of PlanetSavage said in about a week or so his shootout will be up. Anyway, crunch these numbers.

Quake III Arena(1028x768. 32bit color/24Z. 32Bit Textures Geometery Detail/Texture Detail MAXED)

ES v0.01: Hardware T&L: 41.4fps, No Hardware T&L: 42.4fps

ES v1.03: Hardware T&L: 40.9fps, No Hardware T&L: 41.9fps

ES v1.04: Hardware T&L: 35.8fps, No Hardware T&L: 38.9fps

3DMark 2000(1028x768. 32bit color/24Z. 32Bit Textures)

ES v0.01: Hardware T&L: 1122 3DMarks, No Hardware T&L: 1400 3DMarks

ES v1.03: Hardware T&L: 1116 3DMarks, No Hardware T&L: 1392 3DMarks

ES v1.04: Hardware T&L: 1119 3DMarks, No Hardware T&L: 1398 3DMarks


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