
Hugo, based on the children’s novel The Adventures of Hugo Cabret, is Martin Scorsese’s first stereoscopic 3D feature, as well as his first film for kids and for families. Premiering Nov. 23, 2011, Hugo is the astonishing adventure of a wily and resourceful boy whose quest to unlock a secret left to him by his father will transform Hugo and all those around him, and reveal a safe and loving place he can call home.  Written by John Logan (The Aviator, Rango) and edited by Scorsese’s longtime collaborator, Thelma Schoonmaker, the film is being hailed “a masterpiece” by both fans and critics alike, with some even calling it “an instant holiday classic for generations to come”.

Legend3D partnered with VFX Supervisor Rob Legato (The Departed, Shutter Island) to complete work on various aspects of the film.  The scope of work that Legend3D contributed to the film employed processes involving traditional 3D conversion; 'shared shots' where we combined converted elements with native photography, the restoration of vintage films, creative retiming and colorization.

Creative Analysis:
“'Hugo' was probably one of the most intriguing projects I’ve worked on to date, because of the wide array of R&D needed to complete our portions of the film.  Not only did we produce stereo conversion of the highest caliber, but we were successful in utilizing the talents of our TD’s, compositors and department heads in developing restoration processes which worked in tandem with the 3D work. Rob (Legato) and Marty communicated a clear vision for our three sequences, and then trusted us to come up with stereo solutions and VFX treatments that helped augment key moments of the story, including the film’s finale. This made for a challenging and fun experience.” Matt Akey, Legend 3D Producer

“It was an honor to convert footage from special effects filmmaking history as well as from WW1 archives for ‘Hugo’.  It was a technical and creative challenge to recreate these classic Méliès scenes in 3D, while still staying true to the original genre.  The converted shots blended beautifully into Mr. Scorsese’s first natively shot 3D film and they truly enhance the story to a great degree by being in 3D.” Jill Hunt, Legend 3D Stereographer

Film Credits:
Director: Martin Scorsese
VFX Supervisor/3D Supervisor: Robert Legato
Cast: Asa Butterfield, Chloë Grace Moretz and Christopher Lee
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Release Date: November 23, 2011

Legend3D Credits:
Visual Effects Supervisor: Jared Sandrew
Lead Stereographer: Jill Hunt
Producer: Matt Akey
© Copyright 2011 Legend3D, Inc.